Typographical Hierarchy Class Survey "*" indicates required fields 1Tell us about you2Class Satisfaction3Course Materials4Instructor Rating5Follow Up Questions The goal of the class was to enable students to create an event poster containing images and other design elements while applying the principles of typographical hierarchy and graphic design. Students should also be able to prepare the file to be printed at a commercial printer. Knowing these educational goals, please answer the questions below to help us improve our college’s future learning experiences. What semester did you attend this course?*Please select oneWinter 2022Spring 2022Summer 2022Fall 2022Please enter the name of your instructor: First Last What state best describes you from the following* Freshman Sophomore Certificate Program Part-time matriculated Other Class SatisifactionHow satisfied are you overall with the curriculum of this class?*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerrible1 Star is not satisfied at all, 5 Stars is completely satisfied.How helpful was the overall material provided?*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerrible1 Star is not helpful at all, 5 Stars is completely helpful.How knowledgeable was your instructor?*ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerrible1 Star is not helpful at all, 5 Stars is completely helpful. Course MaterialsHow difficult was the course materials?*Very DifficultDifficultNeutralEasyVery EasyThe course materials were organized in a manner that helped me understand the underlining concepts.*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI believe the lectures, tests and assignments complemented each other.*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI believe we had the correct balance of learning materials and assessments.*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI believe the number of assessments we received was*Too ManyToo FewJust RightRank these materials based on how useful they were to you. The first one is the most useful and the last is the least useful.QuizzesVideo TutorialsReading MaterialsMini ExercisesDiscussion PostsFinal Project Instructor RatingMy instructor's preparation was* Poor Fair Good Excellent The instructor was good communicator*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeThe instructor's methods helped my to understand the subject better*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI believe the instructor cared about my success*Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeI would recommend this instructor to a friend* Yes No How can we improve this class?* Follow Up QuestionsWould you like us to follow up with you regarding this survey?* Yes No Name First Last Email Would you be interested in taking the following classes? Logo Design Typography Advanced Photo Editing Other